how printing my pattern?
Printing A0 and A1 via a professional
You can order the printing of A0 and A1 size sheets from professionals by providing them with the corresponding PDF file of the pattern labeled A0/A1. You will then receive your printed pattern as if you had purchased a sewing pattern in a packet format.
I recommend the printer “GO IMPRESSION”. After conducting several tests with various printing service providers, I chose this company because it offers an excellent quality/price ratio and its platform is very user-friendly. The price is per square meter based on printing limits and not on the paper size. The printing limits of your PDFs are automatically detected by their software, and the price is clearly indicated accordingly. The printing limits for A0 and A1 patterns from La Jolie Girafe are also indicated on all relevant pattern sheets. This supplier offers you a 10% discount with the promo code provided on your invoice.
Equipment and Software Required for A4 and US Letter Printing
A standard color printer (since the patterns are in color, I recommend color printing, but black and white is also possible, just less convenient).
Ensure that you tighten the paper guides in your printer paper tray to avoid misalignments.
The latest version of Acrobat Reader software. You can download this FREE software safely HERE.
An application for decompressing zipped files (such as Winzip or others).
Printing Settings
Please ensure that you scrupulously follow the settings and choices below. Uncheck any boxes that need to be unchecked if necessary to obtain a perfectly identical printout page.
As indicated on the template, only the first page should be printed during the first print request. The page contains the test print square.

- Please verify that the test print square measures 5 x 5 cm and proceed with printing the pages as shown in the image below.
- If your test square is not the correct measurement, first check your settings, download the latest version of Acrobat Reader, and try again. This should work.
- If you encounter any specific issues, please do not hesitate to contact me directly HERE.

How to assemble pages ?

"When should I cut out my sewing pattern?"
Seam allowances:
La Jolie Girafe patterns are provided without seam allowances so that you can add them according to your own habits and preferences. This also facilitates modifications and adjustments. If you are accustomed to working with patterns with “included seams,” I advise you to add them to the pattern sheet before cutting out each pattern template.
Transformation and adjustment:
If you are accustomed to and/or need to mix several sizes on the same pattern template, it is advisable to make these new markings on the entire pattern sheet. Then cut out your pattern templates according to these new markings, after having previously added the seam allowances according to your habits and preferences.